The Heroines Party is a political party featured in Idol Jihen made up of Idol Dietwomen, Sachie Kondou , Shizuka Onimaru , and Natsuki Hoshina . The Party contains the unit With (featuring Onimaru and Hoshina) and is a part of the cross-partisan unit Smile Kiss . Their theme color is red.
Party Members [ ]
Idol Dietwomen [ ]
Additional notes
Sachie Kondou
Toyama Prefecture
Party leader and a member of SMILE ♥ X .
Shizuka Onimaru
Fukuoka Prefecture
Member of the units With and SMILE ♥ X . Former member of the Sunlight Party .
Natsuki Hoshina
Niigata Prefecture
Member of the units With and SMILE ♥ X .
Staff [ ]
Sachie Kondou's personal assistant. He helps with the running of the party and supports the idol Dietwomen.
Trivia [ ]
The average age of this party is 18.3 years.
On the Official idol Jihen website, the Heroine Party is described as a "weak party" that will often "co-operate with other parties".
With 3 members, it is the smallest Party featured in Idol Jihen.
In an early episode of the anime it was implied there might be other members. But they do not make any appearances in the series.
Gallery [ ]
Official Art [ ]
Screenshots [ ]