Idol Jihen Wiki
Sayo Nekohira

猫平 小夜
Gender Female
Home Iwate Prefecture
Age 17
Occupation Idol Dietwoman
Party Sunlight Party
Height 157 cm
Weight 44 kg

Sayo Nekohira (猫平 小夜 Nekohira Sayo) is an Idol Dietwoman with the Sunlight Party



Sayo has pale skin with brown glasses covering her pale brown eyes. Her long, dirty blonde hair ends at her waist and appears slightly messy with several strands curled or held together. She has a straightened cowlick with a curl on end, and eye-length straightened bangs. She adorns her hair with several tiny white flowers.

Normally her attire consists of a pale colored lace blouse with many designs and white detail, along with a long beige lace skirt with a pale brown ribbon sewn to each side. Over her outfit she wears a split-colored cardigan, one side is green and yellow, the other is pink and purple, along with a pale beige scarf draped around her arms with a print of yellow and green flowers. Her pale-colored shoes have a single flower clip and black bottoms, and they are worn with slightly bunched grey socks.

In the anime, Sayo's hair has very few flower clips and appears thicker with a brown tint. She wears a white frilly top and a pale cream skirt, with cream Mary-Jane shoes and black socks. Her glasses are pink to match her cardigan.


Sayo appears to be a reserved and gentle girl with a slight clumsy streak.





  • The name Sayo means "small" (小) (sa) and "night" (夜) (yo).
  • Sayo's surname Nekohira means "cat" (猫) (neko) and "flat" (平) (hira).


  • Sayo's birthday is August 9.
  • Sayo's blood-type is A.
  • Sayo's zodiac is Leo.

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