Idol Jihen Wiki
Logo star-ligh-character

The Starlight Party is a Political Party featured in Idol Jihen. Their theme color is yellow.


Idol Dietwomen[]

Name Age Home Additional notes
Sakurako Iizuka 18 Nara Prefecture Party Leader and a member of KiraKira and SMILE ♥ X.
Shirayuki Arai 16 Kagawa Prefecture Member of KiraKira.
Isuzu Narukami 20 Wakayama Prefecture Member of KiraKira.
Kanade Houkyo 17 Miyagi Prefecture
Yu Murase 17 Yamanashi Prefecture
Mana Wakashiro 15 Shiga Prefecture
Chiaki Kadonaga 14 Tottori prefecture
Tsubaki Yukinoshita 19 Okayama Prefecture
Mikoto Kourogi 16 Miyazaki


  • The average age of this Party is 16.9 years.
  • Can be considered a rival to the Sunlight Party due to being the second largest idol Party and the similarities in their names.
